A group of "gay" Republicans have now formed a new gay organization to push for private health care and private savings accounts. Okay. The gay group says that it won't be working on gay issues because gay groups that work on gay issues are "probably not Republican." Never a truer word was spoken. Republicans nowadays aren't interested in civil rights. In helping their fellow man. And gay Republicans? They're the worst. Most gay Republicans I've ever met have been seriously messed up in the head about being gay. Don't get me wrong, a lot of them are nice people. They're just nice people in need of years of therapy. So when I hear that a new gay Republican group is forming, but it not only won't work on gay civil rights issues, it looks with disdain on those who do, I know that this is a true gay
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If your main issue isn't hate crimes or federal anti-discrimination legislation or marriage, you're probably not gay
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