Good morning.
Both the House and Senate passed their versions of the budget yesterday. I'll have more on that later. Of course, not one Republican in either body voted for Obama's budget. See, Republicans don't really think we're in a crisis. The GOP is happy with the status quo.
Yesterday, cable news anchors were breathlessly reporting a potential scandal. OMG. Michelle Obama might have touched Mrs. Windsor without permission. Apparently, there's a rule in England about touching their queen. Royals, who are very high paid public servants, don't like to be touched by commoners. I think the penalty involves being strung up in London Tower. This was the one of the biggest non-stories EVER. I had CNN on and watching Wolf Blitzer talk about it was embarrassing. Given all the world's crises, that any reporter put any time into this issue is really an affront. (Even the Washington Post has an article about it today. Idiotic.) The real story is that Michelle is an international sensation. The Brits actually seemed to love her, but how could they not?
Thread the news, please...
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