Did he cry too? Look, Beck is an idiot. If he's not screeching about how oppressed he is as a white Christian male, he's busy crying on screen. And now he's discovered that the dime - yes, the American ten-cent piece - is actually secret fascist propaganda. Of course, he's absurd. But he's no less absurd than the crap Rush Limbaugh, the religious right, and the conservatives leading the Republican party spew on a regular basis. They've all, suddenly, picked up the same message - that Big Brother has arrived with the Obama administration.
Clearly, none of these people care about freedom or Big Brother. Otherwise, they'd have said something while George Bush was busy dismantling the Constitution, and illegally spying on American citizens, throughout much of this decade. But Beck and company didn't care about that. They only saw "fascism" once a Democrat got elected to the presidency.
In fact, none of these clowns see fascism. They see money and power - they assume their audience, their voters, are pretty much undereducated morons, so they have to continue feeding them a steady diet of Palins and plumbers - but they also see a way to possibly cripple Obama, and the Democrats more generally. If they keep hitting Obama with the low blows, just as they've falsely claimed for decades that the media was biased, maybe Obama will try extra hard to be their friends, and slowly move to the right politically (just as the media has moved to the right in an effort to fix its faux-liberal-bias).
Remember what Joe and I have told you before. The Republicans will always accuse us of something they're already doing.
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FOX's Glenn Beck compares Obama to the Nazis in Germany
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