That's a rather huge leap forward for the former star of (a Web campaign I created and ran with a few friends almost a decade ago when Dr. Laura was hideously bay on gays and our issues (she called us a "biological error")).
Box Turle has the transcript of Dr. Laura on Larry King this week:
KING: Basically, five states now say you can have it. What do you think of that? What are you laughing at?Never thought I'd say it, but atta-girl Dr. Laura.
SCHLESSINGER: Well, I don’t have much of an opinion on it.
KING: You have no opinion on it?
SCHLESSINGER: Not much, no.
KING: But you’ve always favored that marriage must be between a man and woman.
SCHLESSINGER: I’m very big on human beings finding love, attachment and commitment and being faithful to it, because there’s more to benefit when there is real true commitment and faithfulness to it. I still believe, as just every president has, and all the people who ran for office, that marriage is a sacrament between a man and a woman. So not calling it marriage works for me. But that two people would have that sort of commitment to me is very healthy and very positive thing in their lives and society as a whole.
KING: So, you favor marriage between a man and a woman, but you applaud the fact that even people of the same-sex can have that kind of commitment to each other.
SCHLESSINGER: That’s a beautiful thing and a healthy thing.