Well, it seems our friends in the Republican party have suddenly discovered the US Constitution. Well bully for them. It always brings a tear to my eye when a political party that oversaw the shredding of the Bill of Rights during its eight year tenure, going so far as to illegally wiretap innocent Americans for the first time since Nixon (another great conservative), suddenly takes an interest in what the flag stands for, rather than just the flag itself. Of course, they're still rather off their rockers. Domestic spying didn't get their dander up. Neither did suspending habeas corpus. No, what has so incensed conservatives, that they are crying "fascism" while flashing images of marching Nazi soldiers, and shooting up cops because they're so afraid their "rights" will be taken away, is the fact that President Obama is spending money to stimulate the economy in order to avoid another Great Depression.
The crime? Well, they seem to be saying that deficit spending is akin to Hitler, or something. Or maybe it's akin to King George III, since now the conservatives are having "tea parties" to protest Obama's stimulus spending. (Kind of gay, having tea parties, if you ask me, but whatever. Maybe they'll invite Lindsey and Aaron.) But if it's really deficits the conservatives are so upset about, then why weren't they upset the first time Republicans ran up huge deficits, under Ronald Reagan, and then Bill Clinton had to fix things? Why weren't they upset the second time conservatives blew up the deficit under George Bush? Probably the same reason that conservatives weren't upset when George Bush illegally spied on Americans and suspended/ignored other constitutional rights and civil liberties. These people aren't real conservatives. They're political opportunists who don't believe in any ideology at all. They're the same minority of extremists who control and lead the Republican party. And who still think George Bush did a bang up job.
So, while we're glad that conservatives have finally rediscovered liberty and all that, perhaps they can explain to us what stopping the country from going into a depression has in common with the Revolutionary War? Or why they're opposed to averting a depression at all.
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Conservatives suddenly discovered the Constitution - kind of
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