comsc US Politics | AMERICAblog News: CNN's Susan Roesgen: Teabagging is "a party for Obama bashers" and "highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox"
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CNN's Susan Roesgen: Teabagging is "a party for Obama bashers" and "highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox"

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I hope America is getting a good look at the teabaggers (but not while they're actually teabagging.) They really hate the president. It oozes out of them in a very disturbing and creepy way. The talking point for the day is that Obama is a fascist.

CNN's Susan Roesgen was in Chicago and noted, quite accurately, the teabagging was for "Obama bashers" and "highly promoted by the right-wing conservative network Fox."

Watch both. They're illuminating, disturbingly illuminating:

These people don't live in the same country I live in -- or even on the same planet. These are the people who made Rush the leader of the GOP. No wonder the party's got no future.

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