She is so right in so many ways. It's not that the current team is bad or stupid, but they are the wrong people for this moment in history. They are wrapped up in an old argument where banks are at the center of the universe yet that is a pre-credit crisis mentality that does not fit the world today. Obama's economic team can craft an intelligent sounding argument and maybe they've even convinced themselves - as many Democrats had done in the Clinton years - that we are to worship at the alter of Wall Street banks who will deliver us to prosperity. This is not the case and the longer we continue down this path, the longer and more difficult it will be to move forward.
It's a good investment of your time to read Arianna's post in full. Maybe one day soon, Obama will get around to engaging in a discussion with the other Democrats instead of the old school team who are yesterday. One can hope, at least.
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Arianna Huffington: Obama needs human-centric not bank centric view
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