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Whaling ship collides with activists in Antarctic

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The most ridiculous thing is that the Japanese have to give the whale meat away back home. It's hardly popular and only supported by an extreme minority though the AP only calls the anti-whaling activists "radical." This situation is trending in a bad direction.

A boat carrying a group of radical anti-whaling activists collided with a Japanese whaling vessel in the Antarctic Ocean on Friday in a clash Japan condemned as "unforgivable." No one was injured.

Activist Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society said his boat was trying to prevent a Japanese ship from dragging a whale on board when another Japanese boat shot in front of Watson's vessel, causing a collision.

"The situation down here is getting very, very chaotic and very aggressive," Watson told The Associated Press by satellite phone from his boat, named after the late Australian conservationist and TV personality, Steve Irwin.

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