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Wednesday Morning Open Thread

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Good morning.

I've been waking up to NPR in the morning for the past couple months. I used to have my t.v. awaken me to the TODAY Show. I thought I could get a good sense of what the hot news of the day was from the TODAY Show's first half hour. But, I usually ended up annoyed. After too many appearances by right wing blowhards and an obsession with sensational crimes, I broke up with the TODAY Show. I actually feel smarter listening to NPR's news and there's something about the tone that just makes me calm. Although, I can't stand that Mara Liasson. She's spent too much time with her pals at FOX.

At the other end of the day, I'll admit switching from news to at 6:30 PM. It's so trashy, but fun. And, by then, I need the break. (I kept looking for TMZ during the inauguration when DC had paparazzi but no camera people would ever own up to working for TMZ.) And, I don't understand who watches CNN at 7:00 PM when that hateful immigrant basher Lou Dobbs comes on. That show really undermines CNN's programming, but CNN's President Jon Klein seems intent on destroying the network anyway.

Okay, enough of that. What's going on?

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