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Thursday Morning Open Thread

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Good morning.

Today will be another day of drama in the Senate on the economic recovery bill. The Republicans are having a field day. It's a game for them even as millions of Americans suffer. But, last month, someone in Obama's camped stated a goal of getting 80 votes in the Senate. That's ridiculous. The people who are suffering don't care if the bill passes with 51 votes or 98 votes. They want the economy to get better.

It's 14 degrees in DC. I'm getting ready to take Petey out. This morning, the National Prayer breakfast is being held at the Hilton around the corner. Obama and a bunch of dignitaries are all there. That means tons of Secret Service -- with their security dogs. Petey and I are going to walk by the Hilton because I want him to see that some dogs actually work for a living. Not that he'll care. Boomer never did.

Let's get it started...

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