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There's apparently a deal in the Senate on the stimulus

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CNN is reporting the "Breaking News" that there's a "tenative deal" on the stimulus that could get 60 votes. They're hearing it's a $780 billion package.

AP has heard the same thing:

Democratic sources on Friday reported a tentative deal in the Senate on President Barack Obama's economic stimulus package.

Details were not immediately available, but the package earlier teetered after hours of backroom meetings failed to produce an agreement that could attract crucial GOP votes.
UPDATE @ 6:27 PM: AP has already updated its report:
Amid stunning new job losses and yet another bank failure, key senators and the White House reached tentative agreement Friday night on an economic stimulus measure at the heart of President Barack Obama's recovery plan.

Two officials said the emerging agreement was for a bill with a $780 billion price tag, but there was no immediate confirmation.

The tentative agreement capped a tense day of back room negotiations in which Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, joined by White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, sought to attract the support of enough Republicans to give the measure the needed 60-vote majority.

Officials strongly suggested that Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's vote would be needed to assure passage. The Massachusetts Democrat, battling a brain tumor, has been in Florida in recent days and has not been in the Capitol since suffering a seizure on Inauguration Day more than two weeks ago. The senator's office did not comment.

Reid met privately in the Capitol with members of his rank-and-file to present the proposed deal.
ANOTHER UPDATE @ 6:33 PM: CNN GOP analyst Alex Castellanos just said "The Democrats still own this bill, Wolf. He's getting a few, it looks like a few Republican votes in the Senate but it's kind of the Democratic-lite's the wussy Republicans."

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