Good morning.
A new week begins. We'll see if the Senate can wrap up its initial work on their version of the stimulus today. If Al Franken had his seat, the Democrats would have only needed one Republican to bust the GOP filibuster. They probably would have had Olympia Snowe weeks ago. That's one of the reasons Norm Coleman and the GOP keep dragging out that race in Minnesota.
Later this week, the House and Senate have to conference and hash out their differences. That'll be another round of fun, fun, fun.
While that's all playing out in the Capitol Hill bubble, Obama is taking his show on the road. He's going to talk directly to the American people. Probably a good idea since the traditional media and pundits, a.k.a. The Villagers, would rather talk about the very inside political game instead of the dire state of the economy. The perilous state of our country is an afterthought for them.
Never dull...
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