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Join me in Philly tomorrow

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I'm going to be speaking on a panel at Univ of Penn law school tomorrow about the role of the Netroots now that we have a Democratic president. Should be interesting. Joining me on the panel will be:

Christy Hardin Smith -- Blogger, Firedoglake

Baratunde Thurston -- Co-Founder, Jack & Jill Politics and Blogger, The Huffington Post

Daniel Urevick-Ackelsberg -- Founder, Young Philly Politics
Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 5:30pm - 7:00pm
University of Pennsylvania Law School
3400 Chestnut Street, Phila PA

RSVP here or via Facebook. I'm told you need to RSVP if you'll be coming, for security reasons (Christy's fans can get a bit unruly). Seriously, you do need to RSVP for security. So meet us there!

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