What a surprise! No one could have predicted that, in response to Obama reaching out to (well, bending over for) Republicans, Republicans would respond by - what? - accusing him of being too partisan. Maybe if Obama makes 99% of the stimulus package tax cuts for big companies, then the Republicans will like him. It's worth a try, in the spirt of post-partisanship and all.
Republican Sen. John McCain says that Democratic lawmakers putting together an economic stimulus plan are no more open to input from the opposing party than the GOP was during the Bush administration.Yeah, McCain thought there was going to be a change in tone, then McCain and his GOP cronies attacked Obama in a partisan manner, so now there's no change in tone and it's Obama's fault. Again, Joe and I have written for years about how the Republicans always, always, always accused US of doing what THEY are ACTUALLY doing. It's their oldest trick in the book, and it still works.
The Arizona Republican says that he thought there was going to be a change in the tone of partisanship in Washington when the Obama administration took over, but he adds that he's not seeing it.