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Concerns that Feinstein is secretly trying to add non-stimulus related pork to Obama's stimulus package

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She never quits:

But they're worried Hollywood is still trying to insert a content filtering provision via Sen. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., at the last minute. Feinstein has been trying to add language specifying that Internet service provider (ISPs) may engage in "reasonable network management" ... "such as" efforts to combat illegal activity like "child pornography and copyright infringement." In essence, some argue, ISPs would be able to monitor any content coming to and from your computer, just in case there was some copyrighted material violating fair use, or kiddie porn in there.
Regardless of your views on whether we should be giving Internet providers the power - and the requirement - to spy on every single thing you do on your computer, how this is relevant in the stimulus package is beyond me. Feinstein should pass her Motion Picture Association pork the old fashioned way. Not to mention, haven't we had enough domestic spying for this decade? Maybe the ISPs should check the computer usage history of DiFi and her family, and release it publicly - hey, if they're doing nothing wrong, they have nothing to hide, right? - then see how supportive she is of giving ISPs unfettered access to everything you say and do on your computer.

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