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CNBC: salary caps for Wall Street are unfair because they tried

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And how does that compare to the millions who have been downsized or will be downsized due to the credit crisis recession? CNBC is stoking the fire and trying their darnedest to scare people into the Democrats capping the salaries of everyone, but it's nothing more than a PR stunt and a lie. They keep flogging the angle of those few people on Wall Street who had nothing to do with the billions of lost revenue. There's no doubt people like that exist, but what about people in other businesses that have been fired because the company is trying to survive? When a company declares bankruptcy, do only the losers lose or does the entire company fail and end up with nothing? (Well, if you were part of the privileged crowd at Lehman, you shared $20 million.)

I've heard enough of these idiotic stories about the people who did nothing wrong and deserve their bonuses. There are enough people around the country and the world, for that matter, who are losing their jobs because of the assholes on Wall Street who gambled with the world economy. When I worked for a company that plowed through it's money until nothing was left, there wasn't much to pass around when they hit rock bottom. Why should Wall Street be treated differently? They didn't mind taking the upside of false profits, so live with the downside. Let's see a raising of hands for everyone who has paid back those bogus bonuses. Anyone? Hello? I didn't think so.

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