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Australian firefighter saves baby koala (video)

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Chris and I have posted a few times about the Australian heat wave, and how there are numerous reports of koalas approaching humans for water. This video is the cutest, saddest, report I've seen yet. The firefighter spotted a baby koala in the woods, shortly after the fire had passed, and he yelled for his buddies to bring some water. The koala then started drinking out of the bottle, and went through I think three bottles. The firefighter mentions that the reason he's holding the koala's paw is because the koala put its paw out to the guy's hand while he was giving it water. Absolutely heart-wrenchingly adorable.

I posted a link yesterday, asking folks to consider donating to the Australian Koala Foundation. They're a good group, endorsed by Busch Gardens/SeaWorld. You can donate to them via this link. All donations over two US dollars are tax deductible in the USA.

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