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Right wingers are still fighting against Clinton appointees

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Further evidence that the GOP is stuck in the past.

In a dog bites man story, today's Washington Post lets us know that the right wingers are upset with Obama. But, the best part is that the right wingers are re-fighting the battles of the 90s. They're going after the same people they attacked ten and fifteen years ago. The country has moved on, the right wingers haven't:

To some staunch conservatives watching President Bush relinquish the reins of power to President-elect Barack Obama, a few too many ardent liberals are now crashing the gates.

Some well-known Democratic activists are advising Obama on how to steer federal agencies, including a few whom conservative Republicans fought hard to keep out of power in the Clinton administration. They include Roberta Achtenberg, a gay activist whose confirmation as an assistant housing secretary was famously held up by then-Sen. Jesse Helms (N.C.), and Bill Lann Lee, who was hotly opposed by foes of affirmative action and temporarily blocked from the government's top civil rights job.

Conservatives fear that some of these Obama transition advisers are too far left on the political spectrum and are a sign of radical policies to come.
The conservatives haven't had a new idea in years. Even their attacks on Obama are just recycled from the 90s. It's pathetic -- and equally pathetic that the Washington Post thought this was news.

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