John @ 11:23 AM: Well here's a funny thing. I just got a copy of the Obama inaugural address, but it's embargoed until delivery. I have to respect embargoes now - oh what a difference an administration makes (I don't have to, I'm choosing to). It's a great speech. Not surprisingly, it's about the economy and where America stands in this cold, somewhat daunting winter.
I'd go so far as to say that very unpartisan, beyond partisan, speech is even a teeny bit partisan. There are a few implicit slaps against the Republicans who are complaining about the stimulus package, and even the Republican presidential campaign (i.e., John McCain). I could be reading it wrong, but see what you think when obama speaks at noon.
John @ 11:12 AM: BBC's video feed of the inaugural.
John @ 11:07 AM: Joe's friend Robin Carnahan, the secretary of state of Missouri, just sent us a beautiful photo from her vantage point on the mall. A sea of color on a really gorgeous winter's day in Washington, DC.
Rob @ 11:04 AM: The supreme court has just been seated and there was a great shot of Teddy Kennedy taking a picture with supporters. It's great that he got to see this day.
Rob @ 11:00 AM: The motorcade has arrived at the Capitol.
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