Norm Coleman, who lost to Al Franken, wants to go to court. GOP Senator John Cornyn wants to filibuster. But, Chuck Schumer said what everyone now knows to be true -- Al Franken won the Minnesota Senate seat:
New York Sen. Charles Schumer says Democrat Al Franken should be seated in the Senate when it convenes Tuesday.Franken will be the Democrat's 59th vote. You'd think with 59 - 41 margin, the Democrats would be able to pass the Obama agenda of change. You'd think.
Schumer, the former head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said in a statement Sunday that it's clear Franken has won the election for Minnesota's Senate seat. He says Republican Norm Coleman can't get enough votes to win, even if claims of double-counted ballots are resolved.
UPDATE: Via TPM Election Central, we learn that Majority Leader Harry Reid told Coleman to concede already.