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Chuck Schumer: Franken won. Let him have the Senate seat.

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Norm Coleman, who lost to Al Franken, wants to go to court. GOP Senator John Cornyn wants to filibuster. But, Chuck Schumer said what everyone now knows to be true -- Al Franken won the Minnesota Senate seat:

New York Sen. Charles Schumer says Democrat Al Franken should be seated in the Senate when it convenes Tuesday.

Schumer, the former head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, said in a statement Sunday that it's clear Franken has won the election for Minnesota's Senate seat. He says Republican Norm Coleman can't get enough votes to win, even if claims of double-counted ballots are resolved.
Franken will be the Democrat's 59th vote. You'd think with 59 - 41 margin, the Democrats would be able to pass the Obama agenda of change. You'd think.

UPDATE: Via TPM Election Central, we learn that Majority Leader Harry Reid told Coleman to concede already.

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