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At least Wall Street is paying the price for ruining the global economy

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Bonuses are down a little for some, but up for others. Gosh, that's fair but I hope they're not too upset because then what will we do? Sure they lost billions and OK, they were paid handsomely the last few years while they sold total rubbish that was wiped off of the books but if we make them mad, they might leave and go somewhere else. Then what would happen?

Most Wall Street professionals took home smaller year-end bonuses and nearly half were dissatisfied with their payout, according to a survey released Tuesday.

The survey, by, a unit of specialty jobs site operator Dice Holdings Inc, found 54 percent of respondents took home a smaller bonus this year.

More than a third reported getting a bonus that was at least 31 percent less than last year's, and 1-in-10 said their bonus was slashed more than 70 percent.

At the other end of the scale, 12 percent said their bonus was at least 51 percent higher than last year, according to the survey, which included responses from 900 currently employed people and was conducted earlier this month.
It's a good thing we decided that there aren't two Americas.

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