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Another bad effect of the tanking economy: Increase in hate groups

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Today's Washington Post spotlights yet another ugly result of the economic woes. It provides an opportunity for hate groups:

Veteran investigators say they have advocated for increased attention to the problem since late September, when the nation's economic troubles widened, giving white supremacists a potent new source of discontent to exploit among potential recruits.

The number of U.S. hate groups has increased by 48 percent, to 888, since 2000, according to experts at the Southern Poverty Law Center, an independent organization that monitors racist movements.

Although questions persist about the ability of such groups to carry out violent plans, several recent national developments have combined to worry analysts, said Mark Potok, chief of the law center's Intelligence Project. In addition to the economic downturn, he cited rising immigration, demographic changes that predict whites will not be a majority within a few decades, and what some might see as "the final insult -- a black man in the White House."
The challenge for law enforcement officials is to figure out which of the haters are capable of violence. The article concludes with this paragraph:
The trick for investigators, the ATF's Cavanaugh said, is separating hateful words from impending violence. "They all hate, they all go to rallies, but for the most part, most of them will not go out and plant a bomb or shoot," he said. "Maybe four or five out of 100 will go out and do that. The hard part for us is to sort out the free speech and find the person who's really going to make a bomb or shoot someone."
Four or five out of 100 seems like a pretty high number to me, especially when the Southern Poverty Law Center estimates "The number of U.S. hate groups has increased by 48 percent, to 888, since 2000."

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