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Sunday Talk Shows Open Thread

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The big "get" today is Obama on "Meet the Press." NBC, of course, has been pumping out excerpts from the interviews, which includes the announcement of General Shinseki as Secretary of Veteran Affairs.

The other shows are paying attention to the situation facing the auto industry and whether the government will help. I do hope that either Scheiffer or the FOX folks will ask Sessions or Shelby about the subsidy Alabama gave to Mercedes Benz and other foreign automakers. Jane Hamsher pointed out the hypocrisy of those, like Shelby, who wail about the U.S. auto industry while state governments provide billions in subsidies to foreign companies. And, while I hope the right questions are asked, I have no expectations.

Here's the full lineup:

ABC's "This Week" — Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Ron Gettelfinger, president, United Auto Workers.


CBS' "Face the Nation" — Sens. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., and Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.


NBC's "Meet the Press" — President-elect Barack Obama.


CNN's "Late Edition" — Rice; Govs. Tim Pawlenty, R-Minn., and Ed Rendell, D-Pa.

"Fox News Sunday" _ Rice, Sens. Carl Levin, D-Mich., and Richard Shelby, R-Ala.

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