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Specter starts playing typical GOP obstruction games with Obama's nominee for Attorney General

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The games begin.

Senate Republicans are trying to remain relevant, but all they know how to do is obstruct. That's one reason why next year there will be only 41, maybe 42, Republicans. But, those GOPers just can't help themselves. They're already up to their old tricks with the new president:

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, wants to slow down the process of confirming Eric Holder attorney general, citing lingering concerns about the nominee’s role in the 2001 pardon of Marc Rich.

Specter said his concerns do not suggest he would oppose Holder, but said starting the hearings before Jan. 26 is “not realistic or fair.”

Earlier this week Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) set a Jan. 8 confirmation hearing date for Holder and said he would like the nominee confirmed by the time President-elect Obama takes office on Jan. 20.
Specter's "concerns" are bogus and he knows it. There's no reason for Democratic Senators to indulge the GOP (although, the Senate Democrats sure exposed their weakness when they caved in to Lieberman.)

If Republicans want to obstruct, the Democrats need to fight it every time. Starting with this nomination. The country is in peril. We don't have time for Arlen Specter's games.

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