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On Vitter: "He'd rather pay a prostitute than pay auto workers."

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Via Talking Points Memo, a UAW official in Shrevesport, Louisiana calls out his state's U.S. Senator, David Vitter, who led the effort to kill the auto bailout in order to screw the American workers:

Morgan Johnson, president of the United Auto Workers local representing General Motors workers in Shreveport, said Friday that Sen. David Vitter's role in blocking an auto bailout indicates "he's chosen to play Russian roulette" with Louisiana jobs and the national economy.

"I don't know what Sen. Vitter has against GM or the United Auto Workers or the entire domestic auto industry; whatever it is, whatever he thinks we've done, it's time for him to forgive us, just like Sen. Vitter has asked the citizens of Louisiana to forgive him, " said Johnson, president of Local 2166. Otherwise, Johnson said of Vitter, it would appear, "He'd rather pay a prostitute than pay auto workers."

Johnson's comments are a reference to the revelation last year that Vitter's name appeared in the phone records of a Washington prostitution ring. At the time, Vitter responded that "several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling."

Vitter, R-La., has gotten out in front of opposition to the bailout of the auto industry, joining a handful of other Southern Republicans, led by Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama.
Vitter was all over the place on this one, talking about "ass" on the Senate floor. We do know one thing about Vitter: He loves to screw the working men and women of America. And, he's up for re-election in 2010.

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