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Now we know why they call them "Red" states

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Reader Chris writes:

Key line:

“The collapse came after bipartisan talks on the auto rescue broke down over Republican demands that the United Auto Workers union agree to steep wage cuts by 2009 to bring their pay into line with U.S. plants of Japanese carmakers.”

The Republicans have revealed themselves at last.

You remember that old Soviet-era Russian joke about the guy who was horrified when his neighbor came home one day with a goat? It really bothered him that his neighbor had a goat and he didn’t. After stewing about this for a few weeks he went to the local Party boss and complained. The boss said, “I understand, comrade. I will try to find you a goat.” To which the guy replied, “No, no – I want you to kill my neighbor’s goat.”

Now we know why they’re called “Red” states.
NOTE FROM JOHN: I have to say I thought something similar. Since when is an American political party behind the proposition that it's unfair for Americans to make more than foreigners? And that if we do make more than foreigners, we need the government stepping in to cut our salaries? Is this really the position the Republicans want quoted back at them during the next election? Not to mention, what will the impact be on an already anemic economy of cutting the wages of hundreds of thousands of American workers? Doesn't that take more money out of the economy in the short term? Isn't that the opposite of what's needed?

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