Statement by Rea Carey, Executive DirectorActually, that's the best argument I've heard to date. This is a divisive choice. It doesn't matter if Obama and his people think they're being post-partisan by picking a raging bigot to share the dais with the first black president. Warren doesn't bring us together. He tears us apart. And he already has.
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
"President-elect Obama campaigned on a theme of inclusivity, yet the selection of Rick Warren to give the invocation is a direct affront to that very principle. This was a divisive choice, and clearly not one that will help our country come together and heal. We urge President-elect Obama to withdraw his invitation to Rick Warren and instead select a faith leader who embraces fairness, equality and the ideals the president-elect himself has called the nation to uphold."
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NGLTF blasts Obama over Warren
Actually, that's the best argument I've heard to date. This is a divisive choice. It doesn't matter if Obama and his people think they're being post-partisan by picking a raging bigot to share the dais with the first black president. Warren doesn't bring us together. He tears us apart. And he already comments powered by Disqus