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Nationwide strike brings Greece to a standstill. Citizens demand "change."

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I'd read a "change" quote in another article about the nationwide riots in Greece, and now another today.

"There is demand for change: social, economic and political change," said Odysseas Korakidis, 25, who does two jobs. "It's not unusual here to hold down two jobs to get just 800 or 1,000 euros a month. In other countries, that's inconceivable!"
Fascinating. I don't think Obama's victory had any hand in the riots, but the message from that victory continues to inspire, well, change. I've heard the word "change" batted about in a number of countries since Obama won, and even before. In Italy this past spring, the liberal (or more liberal than Berlusconi) opposition rallied under the cry "Si puo fare" - basically, Yes We Can.

It simply irks me the degree to which Republicans love to cite the "shining city on a hill" quote, but then show utter disdain for the rest of the world and are blind to the message we send them. What happens in the US matters to the world. People want to look up to us (something you learn if you do any international travel). We continue to inspire. The only question is whether we inspire hatred, or admiration. After eight year long years, we are thankfully moving back to the latter.

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