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Friday Morning Open Thread

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Christmas is over. The freezing spell in Chicago has broken, and I'm heading out to lunch later today with a friend from high school. So far so good on the new-dog front. I came home to find mom and dad in the family room with "Angel" (I'm still lobbying for a name change) roaming around on the floor. So the dog seems to be digging her way nicely into their hearts. I head back to DC tomorrow, where it will be a balmy 63 degrees on Sunday. A little nicer than the -2 we had here the other night. But at least I got a full week of snow. And no gun shots. Who could ask for a better Christmas gift.

Here's the view out the window at ma's place at 7am, Christmas morning. It's the view I had since moving to this house when I was 8. I miss that view.


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