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Americans to Bush: Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Just get out.

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Fun facts about Bush, Cheney and the GOP from the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll:

A whopping 79% in the poll say they’re not going to miss [Bush] when he leaves office. That’s compared with 55% who said the same of Clinton in December of 2000. Moreover, almost half (48%) think that Bush will go down as one of the worst presidents in our history. Just 18% said that of Clinton and only 6% said that of Bush 41. But Bush 43 isn’t the only Republican who has taken a hit in the new NBC/WSJ poll. Dick Cheney leaves office with sporting an all-time low in his personal rating. And the Republican Party’s fav/unfav is 27%-52%, which is its lowest rating ever in the poll (by comparison, the Democratic Party’s is nearly reversed, 49%-28%).
I'm really excited about the inauguration of Barack Obama (although the idea of D.C. being able to handle 3,000,000 people makes me a little claustrophobic.) I'm really looking forward to watching the motorcade with Obama and Bush leaving the White House for the drive down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol. We'll be dealing with the devastating legacy of George Bush for a long time, but that's when he'll leave the White House and leave our lives for good.

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