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Gays thank religious right for supporting federal investigation of hate crimes

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I love the men at the Concerned Women for America. They're so cute when they screw up, which is often. More from the Human Rights Campaign:

In a story published online yesterday, Concerned Women of America actually called for the Department of Justice to begin investigations into hate crimes. That's a first because the Department of Justice won't actually have that authority unless the hate crimes bill passes. Oh sure, CWA nefariously claims they want to determine the "validity" of alleged hate crimes. We'd welcome that inquiry because HRC knows from our extensive work with victims that hate crimes happen in America far too often. So, without realizing it, CWA is actually asking the federal government to do almost exactly what the hate crimes bill asks -- involve the U.S. Department of Justice when gay Americans are victims of hate crimes. We assume that CWA wants to determine if hate crimes based on religion, race, color, national origin, gender and disability are real, too. We have no doubt those hate crimes will be validated as well (to use their terminology).

CWA's acknowledgment of the need for federal involvement is a welcome sign for those advocating for the passage of the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act currently being considered in the U.S. Congress. That legislation already passed in both the House and Senate under Republican leadership. It could be that CWA has realized the legislation is inevitable -- or that it looks remarkably un-Christian to oppose legislation designed to punish violent crimes motivated by hatred. Either way, their convoluted reasoning for wanting a study of hate crimes is the first time they've welcomed the involvement of the Department of Justice.

Joe Solmonese, President of the Human Rights Campaign, explained what this development means, "It's not what they intended, but the only response to this public acknowledgment by the Concerned Women for America is to say, 'thank you'. Because of the opposition of right wing groups like Concerned Women for America, too many Americans have waited for too long for the federal government to provide the protections against criminal acts of violence based on hate. This year offers an important opportunity to finally pass a federal hate crimes law, and we are heartened -- though surprised -- that CWA has finally acknowledged the need for federal involvement to investigate these violent acts of hate that terrorize whole communities of their fellow Americans. Miracles do happen."

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