The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza writes that he thinks Harry Reid's, and the Democrats', opposition to the Iraq war is hurting Democrats. Well, rather, he notes the cases of Democratic Senators Mary Landrieu (D-LA), Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), and Tom Harkin (D-IA) who are all, reportedly, facing some heat for the Democrats' anti-Iraq-war strategy.
But here's the rub. You can't judge the strategy based on the effects its having in only three Democratic races. I can cite three Republicans up for re-election who are crapping bricks right now expressly because they don't want to be seen as too close to George Bush on the war or anything else: Susan Collins (R-ME); Norm Coleman (R-MN); and John Sununu (R-NH).
The test of the wisdom of the Democrats' plan and policy isn't how it affects 3 races, it's how it affects all the races next election. The toughest job in Congress right now is being forced to defend George Bush and the war. And over the next year and a half, as the war drags on, worsening and worsening, that job is only going to get more difficult. There's more than enough reason to believe that given the choice between an Iraq-war cheerleader and an Iraq-war detractor, come 18 months the cheerleaders are going to be looking for another job.
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Ask Susan Collins, Norm Coleman and John Sununu just how well the Democratic message on Iraq is selling
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