Yeah, right. We're to believe that "now" the Army is getting serious about helping the Iraq and Afghanistan war vets, only because the Army has been terribly embarrassed by a series of articles in the Washington Post and the Army Times over the past couple days. I don't buy it for a minute. These bastards didn't give a damn about our troops. George Bush, the Republican congress, and the highest levels of the military abused our injured and maimed troops for over five years now, and suddenly after the media embarrasses the hell out of them, now we're to believe that they suddenly care about the same men and women they've been outright and serially abusing? Bull. These people have proven time and again how little care they have for our war veterans. The hell we're going to trust them now. And in any case, just how are they going to catch up on their inept backlog of 600,000 disability claims? With spitballs?
Congress needs to intervene now. We need hearings, we need legislation. We need to know who did this, and how it's going to be fixed. We need to hear from our leaders in Congress about this now.
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Army now claims it's fixing Walter Reed mess. Yeah, right. Abuse me once, shame you...
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