I had an interesting day today. I was invited to a progressive media conference in the Capitol Building, and I wasn't expecting much. No offense to our hosts, but political lectures get old, fast :-) I was pleasantly surprised.
We started with Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Reps. George Miller (D-CA) and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). Stabenow was an engaging, warm, midwestern mom. It's the only way I can describe her as a fellow midwesterner. Just a real nice lady who clearly knows her stuff. Miller, now that man's a hoot. You guys would love him. Tough as nails. No bull. Smart. And fearless. A truly captivating man. And then there's Wasserman Schultz. I'd seen her before on committees, and she always looked a bit stern. In person, she's good, real good. Smart, well-spoken, solid. Just very impressive.
Then we moved upstairs and had our series of meetings with various senators. Among those who sat down to talk with us were Senators Reid (NV), Reed (RI), Dorgan (ND), Sanders (VT), Leahy (VT), Levin (MI), Kennedy (MA), Klobuchar (MN), Murray (WA) and I'm sure I'm missing someone. Others dropped by during a reception at the very end and chatted with us, including Casey (PA), Clinton (NY), Schumer (NY), Harkin (IA), Lautenberg (NJ), Akaka (HI), Tester (MT), Webb (VA), Byrd (WV), Landrieu (LA), McCaskill (MO), and I can't even remember who else. It was an impressive turnout. (Lieberman was nowhere to be seen.)
I got a chance to have a talk with Casey, who beat Santorum. It was interesting. I pointed out the fact that a lot of us had qualms about Casey, especially with his record (or his perceived record) on gay rights. But that I thought it was important that the know that we still busted our butts helping him win. He said that he knew that, he was really impressed how much the gay community supported him, and, well, he definitely took note. I told him this was in marked contrast to Harold Ford, who, while yes I wanted him to win so we could win back the Senate, it was still hard doing much to help Ford because the man panders to bigots.
I also had a chat with Schumer, who is busy pushing his new book, "Positively American: Winning Back the Middle-Class One Family at a Time." And McCaskill, Akaka, Landrieu (I told Landrieu that if she's planning on doing anything big on New Orleans, to let us know - I think it's sick how the country (read: Republicans) have abandoned that city). I also talked to Hillary for a bit. First impression, quite good. We talked about blogging a bit, the meeting we had with her husband in September. She was clearly the star of the event - everyone wanted their picture with her - but she didn't mind, wasn't the primadonna, and that says something in this town.
Anyway, it was a much more interesting day than I expected. Now on to the chimp.
A few more photos from the day:
This was the closing reception
(click to see larger image)
Wasserman Schultz and Miller
Levin and Reed (RI)
Reed (RI)
Leahy and Dorgan
Leahy, Dorgan and Murray
Reid, Stabenow, Klobuchar
Randi Rhodes
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