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Over 50% of US population now living in smoke-free environments

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Happy lungs. Why do smokers always complain about their rights being infringed when they can still smoke, but just not in public areas? If smokers can find a way where I don't have to be subjected to their pollution, great, I'm all for it. Go ahead and smoke all you want but don't force me to breath it. Until that happens, I would rather breath smoke free air. With the studies that have come out about Big Tobacco juicing cigarettes with nicotine, making them even more addictive, I'm at a loss for why the few but vocal pro-pollution smokers are so interesting in doing the bidding of Big Tobacco.

I am interested in hearing a rational answer from a pro-smoker that explains why it is OK for them to smoke and subject me to their smoke that I don't want to breath or smell. Please note I said "rational."

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