I've always liked ABC's Diane Sawyer. She has class. So does Barbara Walters. It's hard to define, but you know it when you see it.
That's why it's beyond bizarre that Diane Sawyer is reportedly the one who recruited CNN host and extreme conservative shock-jock Glenn Beck to appear regularly on ABC's Good Morning America. Beck, you will recall, thinks that Muslim-Americans need to prove to the rest of us that they're not rooting for the terrorists. Now, you would think that Beck's rather racist views (he also used the racial slur "Oreo Cookie" on the air the other day) wouldn't get an airing on a great network like CNN - though they do - and you'd think that an even older network like ABC wouldn't touch someone with Beck's mouth with a ten foot poll.
What you wouldn't expect is that Diane Sawyer would say that equating every Muslim-American - EVERY last one - with terrorists is somehow "common sense." What about calling Hurricane Katrina survivors "scumbags?" Fantasizing about murdering Michael Moore? Or what about hating the families of 9/11 victims?
Real common sense there.
There's a reason FOX's ratings are going down. It's the same reason that the Republicans lost the election. The conservative wave is over. And now the mainstream media decides it needs to look more like FOX? It's just sad.
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Diane Sawyer, Muslim-Americans, terrorists, and "common sense"
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