International travel never ceases to amaze me. Any travel, really. The idea of waking up in one city and going to bed in another is just weird. It's as if it's hard to even imagine life existing somewhere else while you're not there. Okay, I'm admittedly hung over from jet lag, but I think you get what I mean - it's just very weird to imagine the entire world kind of moving along without you.
Anyway, the flight was uneventful, the service extraordinary (God bless Air France), and the food was pretty damn good too. Except the yoghurt. Seriously. Those of you who don't know France won't appreciate this, those of you who do will get what I'm saying. Imagine being given yoghurt on a French flight and when you read the label you see that the yoghurt contains high fructose corn syrup (disgusting), corn starch (I assume as a thickener - why does yoghurt need a thickener?), all sorts of weird "gum" and more crap I couldn't identify. It was vile. I don't even eat that kind of crap in yoghurt in the states, let alone on Air France. [/End sermon.]
And who could have ever imagined flight attendants who are courteous and don't act like you're somehow invading THEIR airline. So, already sat down for a nice coffee, croissants, and croissants aux amandes with Chris and his wife Joelle. I'm off for a small nap to catch up on my sleep, then tonight we're going to see a Gregorian chant concert at Notre Dame.
I love this city.
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Good day from Paris
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