"I first learned about this last Friday." - That's a lie. He knew about the emails a year ago, was warned about Foley 3 years ago, and his own staff warned the page 5 years ago.
"We didn't even have the email because the parents said don't give it out." - That's a lie, Rep Alexander's office had the emails.
- I'm taking responsibility.
But he did nothing wrong.
- Our system obviously isnt designed for the new age of instant messages.
What? You mean members writing sex notes to children isn't the same thing as members sending instant message sex notes to children? How does the "new age" change the issue that you have a member who harassed children, you knew about it and did nothing.
- When congress found out about the explicit messages, we deal with it immediately.
Yeah, the explicit messages. Because ABC found them, told the world and you didn't have a choice. You knew about a 52 year old man asking a 16 year old boy for photos and telling him about his 16 year old friend's hot body. And that doesn't count?
- We asked for criminal investigations.
You asked for criminal investigations of everyone else but yourself. You only asked for criminal investigations of anyone who saw the "explicit messages," not the emails you had for a year, not about the warning you were given 3 years ago, not about the warnings your own staff gave the pages 5 years ago.
- We have a toll free number.
Yeah, and you've just told people you want a criminal investigation of anyone who has explicit messages from Foley and hasn't already come forward. So why would someone now want to call your 800 number and open themself up to a criminal investigation that you started?
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Hastert, I did nothing wrong
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