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Just a quick reminder to you deep-pocket folks out there that we don't live on air alone. If you like what AMERICAblog does, then buy some ads and support us.

Premium ads.

Standard ads.

This is my full-time job, this is 50% of Joe in DC's job, and Chris in Paris and AJ in DC spend a decent amount of time working on the blog as well. Unlike many blogs, I pay my writers. And with the new AMERICAblog 2.0 getting launched any week soon (hopefully within the month), our monthly costs are going up (we'll be paying $900 a month in bandwidth alone).

You like it, support it.

  • Did you like what we did on the Disney/ABC "Path to 9/11" debacle? The fact that we got a hold of the entire show pretty much before anyone else, and that we discovered the defamation against American Airlines, bringing them into the battle in a big way?
  • How about our expose on cell phone privacy, including buying Wes Clark's phone records and making this issue a national story on all the networks?
  • Who was the first news source out there to criticize Bush for staying on vacation as Katrina was approaching New Orleans?
  • Who is the only blog to hire a former Defense Intelligence Officer to help you understand the truth about Iraq, Iran and every other Bush foreign policy blunder?
  • Then there's Jeff Gannon, lynching, Microsoft and Ford and so much more.
AMERICAblog makes a difference on issues ranging from gay rights to Bill Clinton's reputation.

You like it, pay for it.

We average 100,000 readers a day. Our readers are well-educated, well-read, activist-oriented, and financially-secure. A high percentage are gay and lesbian. A very high percentage have given money to or participated in a political campaign.

Here's what some of our advertisers had to say:
"AMERICAblog has had the best clickthrough rate of any sites on which we've placed our ad, so I hope to advertise with you guys again soon." - People for the American Way.

"AMERICAblog helped me reach a hard-to-reach demographic effectively and I am pleased with the click through rate and the return on investment achieved." -

"AMERICAblog was one of the most effective blog ad buys we ever made. These are the smart, savvy, political 'mavens' we were looking to reach. The click-overs alone were fantastic, but I have no doubt we got even more value from the viral 'word of mouse' spreading." - John Hlinko,
So please consider buying an ad as a means of supporting your favorite blogs. We aren't just window-dressing, we're a significant part of the nascent left-wing noise machine. And we need your support.

Whether it's an ad for your own site or organization, or an ad for your favorite organization (why not buy a premium ad and donate it to CREW or some other great organization?) Just do it. :-)

Thanks, JOHN

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