Interesting behavior for a company that has a lot of business before Congress - a Congress that is expected to turn Democrat (at least in one house, maybe both) in about 8 weeks.
Republican bloggers, Disney/ABC is happy to give them complementary advance copies of its error-riddled TV show about September 11. But when the actual people slandered in the tv show ask to see advance copies, Disney/ABC says no.
I have a law degree. And you enter very interesting legal territory when someone expresses concern about the veracity of your TV show and you refuse to provide them with a copy in advance, yet provide copies to others. Okay, I'm being too polite. Albright wrote Disney/ABC and told them, flat-out, that the malfeasance they attribute to her is absolutely untrue. Disney/ABC has refused to even respond to her. (Sandy Berger wrote Disney/ABC as well.)
By doing this, Disney/ABC is making it impossible for Clinton, Albright or Berger to correct any errors (read: defamation) in the show before it airs. That's negligent on the part of Disney/ABC, and it certainly suggests malice as well - i.e., the opposite of a good faith effort to get the story right, or in this case, an affirmative desire to keep the story wrong.
I hope Clinton, Albright and Berger sue the hell out of Disney/ABC when this show airs.
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Disney/ABC flat-out REFUSED to provide Pres. Clinton, Madeleine Albright and Sandy Berger copies of its 9/11 "docudrama", tho GOP bloggers got copies
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