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It's about sex, not science

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Bush's nominee for the Commissioner of FDA got kicked around today during his Senate confirmation hearing. He's playing games with the contraceptive called "Plan B." The Senate has already been duped by the FDA once on this issue...they need actions, not words this time. The bottom line in this debate is that the Bush administration will do anything to prevent Americans from having sex:

Contraceptive advocates and doctors groups say easier access to Plan B could halve the nation's 3 million annual unintended pregnancies. Opponents say wider access to the pill could promote promiscuity.
"Promote promiscuity" is theocratic code for people having sex. The Bush/GOP theocracy is anti-birth control -- and, they're anti-sex (for the little people, not for themselves, of course). The Bush administration opposes birth control and endorses abstinence. But, you know, we've never heard if that's the policy for the Bush family or the Bush staff in the White House or over at the RNC. We should know if they all practice what they preach.

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