Tubes. It's all about tubes, dammit. It's terrifying to think that this buffoon is actually responsible for decisions on this important subject. I don't know what kind of email he's using but I use at least four different email accounts for different projects and it's extremely rage to have any emails take days as he says. Most arrive within seconds when I am talking around the world.
I know the GOP loves a good boondoggle so I would suggest that they come over here to France, yes France, and do a fact finding mission to see how much more competition and quality we have over here. If Stevens thinks that the internet is so slow, maybe he can check out the various video compression tools that exist in the world that allow "cable" TV to be shown across Europe via our phone lines. Just because the GOP and some Dems can't get rich in campaign finance dollars from open competition doesn't mean the problem is real.
So now we know that Stevens is not only an earmark weasel, but now we know he's a fool when he tries to tell people why he voted against net neutrality. What ever happened to competition, free enterprise and democracy with his lot anyway?
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Senator Ted "bridge to nowhere" Stevens teaches us how the internet works
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