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New York Times pans Mary Cheney's book, and Mary herself

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Scathing review. And well-deserved. The lesbian daughter of the vice president has now sold a whopping 6,000 books. All that publicity, and 6,000 books. Guess there's not a very big audience for gays who betray themselves and their girlfriends, and the families who sell them out.

The review on the John Kerry debate incident:

She was angry, among other reasons, she writes, because "he had used the word 'lesbian,' instead of the more common and politically neutral term 'gay.' "

When exactly did the word "lesbian" become a scathing insult, alongside that other once-glorious, classically derived seven-letter L-word: liberal?
Then comes the best paragraph from the review:
Only in passing does Cheney — who has a longtime companion, Heather Poe — confront the inherent contradiction of working for a party whose attitude toward homosexuality runs the gamut from mild intolerance to out-and-out hostility. And considering he is in theory only two phone calls away, the private voice of President Bush — who enthusiastically endorsed a federal marriage amendment to the Constitution (since defeated) that would have effectively nullified same-sex unions — seems strangely absent from her narrative. Cheney acknowledges that the president's position on gay marriage gives her "a knot in the pit of my stomach," so what in the name of Rita Mae Brown stopped her from confronting him? Timidity? Deference? Or her avowed desire to "maintain a low profile" (which raises the question: why write this book at all)? Certainly it is not her God-given responsibility, as a Republican operative who happens to be gay, to be an advocate for gay and lesbian issues. But — with apologies to Dan Quayle and the United Negro College Fund — what a waste.

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