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The November elections are a referendum on George Bush

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THAT is the message. Will Democrats embrace that message? Come on guys, you know you can do it. Anything the Republicans throw at you, answer: George Bush. Iraq? I voted for the war because I never imagined George Bush would be so incompetent. Social Security: We saved Social Security from George Bush's incompetent privatization scheme. Energy prices? If George Bush weren't so incompetent, we'd have a national strategy for dealing with the ridiculously high price of energy. And...

Joe Lieberman? The voters have been powerless for five years. No longer. Want to send a message to George Bush that the entire country will hear? Vote NO on George Bush's favorite Senator, Joe Lieberman.

From National Journal (subscription):

In the NBC/WSJ poll, Bush's 37-percent approval rating is statistically consistent with his rating of 36 percent in the April survey. But the number of registered voters who said they would be casting their votes in the midterm elections to send a message of opposition to Bush climbed 7 points in the past two months to 38 percent. Nearly the same number of respondents said their vote would not be sending a signal -- either positive or negative -- about Bush, and about one in five said their votes would indicate support for Bush's policies....

On the issue of Iraq, pollsters found that most voters support a dramatic decline in the U.S. military presence in the coming months. Fifty-four percent of respondents said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who favors withdrawing all troops within a year.
And you gotta love this title in the National Journal article: "Presidential Popularity: Bush Still Beats Nixon." Well bully for him.

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