UPDATE: Well, it's now appearing the little story about Iran making Jews and Christians wear badges might just be a little George Bush disinformation to try and provoke a war. I have to admit that I didn't think they'd lie about a law being passed, since you'd think that kind of thing could be easily verified. Then again, perhaps in Iran it's not easily verified. Anyway, this is rather annoying. Bush may be fabricating evidence, yet again, to provoke us into a war. The guy never learns. Then again, we let him get away with it last time...It's hard to know who's a bigger idiot in this whole debacle. Iran or George Bush. Both sides seem intent on forcing a war. That doesn't mean we have the ability to actually launch a successful war, what with our military bogged down in Iraq, Afghanistan, on the Mexican border, in Korea waiting for the north to go ballistic (quite literally), and on and on and on. And, no matter how belligerent Iran gets, nothing will change the fact that Donald Rumsfeld will be preparing any military operation against Iran, and George Bush will be implementing it. And that means, we lose.
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