McCain tried to spin Stewart the line that he's speaking at Jerry Falwell's college's commencement the same way he speaks at lots of places, it doesn't imply any condoning of Falwell's message.
Well, that's cute, but McCain fails to mention that he's totally backtracked on his statement in 2000 that Jerry Falwell is "an agent of intolerance." When asked about that statement this weekend on Meet the Press, McCain said that Falwell is no longer an agent of intolerance.
So, while it's nice that McCain is going on Stewart's show to try to claim back some of his Mr. Nice Guy image with moderates and even some Dems, the fact remains that McCain is now back in bed with the far-right intolerant loons of the Republican party.
At least we won't have to be worried about that "John McCain, independent moderate maverick" image any longer. He's just like every other Republican in town - when push comes to shove, suck up to the nearest and biggest special interest you can find.
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McCain goes on Jon Stewart, he's clearly worried about Falwell backlash
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