Well, at least he plagiarized "authentic conservative voices." Wasn't that after all what the Post was after, an authentic conservative voice? They never said it had to be HIS authentic conservative voice.
Man I love the family values crowd. Win at any cost, and jam your values down everyone else's throats, while you ignore them in your own life.
Who would Jesus copy?
And one final point. Can I just say how much we saved the Washington Post's ass in all of this? Just imagine the scandal had this guy gone ahead and published plagiarized pieces on behalf of the Washington Post. And with his record, it's easy to imagine him doing just that, what with the pressure of writing for such an august (well, formerly august) paper.
While they may not be ready to recognize it now, that newspaper owes us, big time.
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Washington Post ex-blogger appears to have plagiarized Jonah Goldberg too
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