I'm still stunned by that bizarre CNN story earlier this evening about the Amanpour spy issue. I'm sure Christiane is happy to find out that the Bush administration says they didn't spy on her because, well, you know, it's against the law. And here I thought it was legal for the NSA to spy on innocent American journalists. Thank God CNN's ace reporters clarified that confusion.
CrooksAndLiars.com should have the video soon, then I'll post it and you all can weigh in.
Special points for the first person to count the correct number of suppressed giggles from CNN reporter John King.
More on CNN tomorrow.
PS I just had a thought. Rather than have Senator Specter waste days of time, and lots of money, holding hearings investigating exactly what the administration did with its secret and very likely illegal domestic spy program, maybe we could just have CNN ask an anonymous Bush administration source if it's illegal for the administration to break the law?
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