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W's "no new taxes" for Iraq?

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After a week of travel in Spain, an insane schedule and internet problems I'm just now getting caught up and it looks like pressure on Dear Leader is quite heavy. With the criticism mounting at home, Bush just can't seem to shake his failed adventure wherever he goes on the road as well. What really jumps out is his bold statement from Korea in reference to discussions of pulling out of Iraq, "This is not going to happen on my watch." Wow. Does this have tones of Bush I repeating "no new taxes" or what? Bush seems to think that his macho posturing still enjoys high approval ratings and has not quite grasped the hostility of Americans towards the Iraq war nor does he understand that staying the course is no longer an option. Looking at how much Bush hates change, things are not going to be much better for him when he makes it back to the US.

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