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McCain and Graham: GOP in trouble

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McCain and Graham both see that the GOP is in deep trouble and seem convinced that a little tweak here and there will get them back on track. If only it was so easy, but it's not. The spending is as out of control as it has ever been in DC and the GOP vision for climbing out of that hole is keeping the corporate welfare and hacking more money from the middle class and poor. Is that what they think is a winning plan? Sure Reagan and Clinton recovered but they also did not have a very expensive and very bloody war hanging around their neck either. Even more, they weren't at the beginning of a few deep scandals (Plamegate and Abramoff) which have yet to show their full potential. Apples to oranges.

Worse yet, Graham is completely oblivious to what the American public is saying. Graham seems to think that the numbers do not show that the public wants to ditch this failed war immediately. Somehow he thinks that Americans want to sink another 20 years into that adventure and send more people off to die for no reason. Interesting theory and keep it going...see your guys in 2006 and good luck with that strategy.

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